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ID Second Tier Admin Zone (UN OCHA 2024) First Tier Admin Zone (UNOCHA 2024) Country Third Tier Region Second Tier Region First Tier Region RECs Border Contact (Africa Borderland Centre 2024) Borderland (Africa Borderland Centre 2024) Political Cities Count (USGS 2024) Political Cities Name (USGS 2024) Cities (OSM 2024) City Names (OSM 2024) Landmass (km^2) 2020 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2019 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2018 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2017 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2016 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2015 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2014 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2013 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2012 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2011 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) 2010 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) Density in People per km^2 2020 (WorldPop) Average Population Growth 2010-2020 (WorldPop) Cattle Count (FAO GLEAM 2020) Cattle per km^2 (FAO GLEAM 2020) Political Violence Count 2023 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2022 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2021 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2020 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2019 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2018 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2017 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2016 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2015 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2014 (ACLED 2024) Fatal Violence Count (2014-2018) (ACLED 2024) Fatal Violence Count (2019-2023) (ACLED 2024) Drought Risk Max, EvapoTranspiration SPEI 2.0 RP25 (Global Drought Hazard 2024) Riverine Flooding Max Value 25 Year RP (WATCH 2024) Coastal Flooding Max Value 25 Year RP (WATCH) Refugee Site Count (UNHCR 2024) Refugee Site Names (UNHCR 2024) Aquifer Type HGComb (Africa Groundwater Atlas 2021) Aquifer Name HGComb (Africa Groundwater Atlas 2021) Banks (OSM September 2024) Hospitals (OSM September 2024) Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies (OSM September 2024) Police Stations (OSM September 2024) Prisons (OSM September 2024) Schools, Universities, Colleges (OSM September 2024) Universities (OSM September 2024) Communication Towers (OSM September 2024) Substations (OSM September 2024) FireStations (OSM September 2024) Critical Mineral Count (USGS 2024) Critical Mineral Name (USGS 2024) Critical Mineral Deposit Name (USGS 2024) Power Station Count (USGS 2024) Power Station Name (USGS 2024) Power Station Type (USGS 2024) Motorways and Primary Roads (OSM September 2024) Railways (OSM 2024) Pipelines (USGS 2024) Major Rivers(USGS 2024) Permanent Water Bodies Count (USGS 2024) Permanent Water Body Names (USGS 2024) January Average Rainfall (mm) 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) February Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) March Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) April Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) May Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) June Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) July Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) August Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) September Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) October Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) November Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024) December Average Rainfall 2001-2022 (NASA IMERG 2024)
1 Ambriz Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Ambriz 3972 17693 18311 18929 19611 20260 20908 21684 22476 23239 23960 24754 4 -3.3 16 0.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.103 0.43 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Precambrian Metasedimentary CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Vanadium Lueca nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 2.49588953703642 3.44972744584084 4.14146713912487 4.86779014766216 0.754050803370774 0.0186420451500453 0.0079983044288383 0.0214069369540084 0.142654589144513 1.11606922000647 2.91934226453304 2.26358522474766
2 Dande Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Caxito 7587 686422 608114 573429 512942 473075 449073 428695 400847 392258 362280 354808 90 6.88 70 0.82 6 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.124 0.944 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary U-L/H(V), CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 nan nan 1.0 Mabubas Hydro Hydro Yes No nan nan 0 nan 2.19264284432945 3.24910526356455 4.71912990182133 5.83021020081084 0.660596438888776 0.006382254674494 0.003238853730135 0.0201770709827542 0.164023751171969 1.35732202913802 3.55071421801034 2.35525715553154
3 Nambuangongo Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Nambuangongo 5881 49595 51309 53084 54894 56775 58731 60770 62861 65018 67280 69615 8 -3.33 24 0.35 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.042 0.0 0.0 0 nan nan nan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 3.13564676046371 4.12168873349826 5.8836382329464 7.96212975184123 1.78591150417924 0.0144340274758482 0.0026137890430012 0.0376388370059431 0.345368049107492 2.5486422603329 5.64746593435605 3.70924234390259
4 Bula-Atumba Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 0 nan 1353 13048 13491 13955 14435 14926 15437 15979 16532 17097 17690 18319 10 -3.34 3 0.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.071 0.131 0.0 0 nan nan nan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan No No nan nan 0 nan 3.25581223964691 3.95394110679626 6.55203647613525 8.10315065383911 1.47253077030182 0.0162409091368318 0.0054941347567364 0.0873958922922611 0.662874236702919 3.25481882095337 6.4058256149292 4.10048453807831
5 Dembos-Quibaxe Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Quibaxi 1411 23032 23828 24650 25490 26369 27266 28169 29133 30157 31173 32210 16 -3.3 5 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.099 0.222 0.0 0 nan nan nan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 2.91684545170177 4.03095956282182 6.62190198898315 7.99487083608454 1.35709673708135 0.012924242045053 0.0035610502712767 0.0683810971677303 0.428147372874347 2.83211339603771 6.34693583575162 3.79957201264121
6 Pango-Aluquém Bengo Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 0 nan 870 5393 5580 5768 5977 6186 6395 6628 6895 7127 7372 7664 6 -3.45 2 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.098 1.259 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary B-L/M, CSF-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan No No nan nan 0 nan 2.93840169906616 3.84508619989668 6.89550256729126 7.61365243366786 1.15823204176767 0.0080974021527384 0.0052021365346653 0.054267908845629 0.316793275730951 2.51715431894575 5.96454742976597 3.36217420441764
7 Baí­a Farta Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Baía Farta 7215 98790 99440 99749 100548 101042 101206 101822 102443 103571 103909 104224 14 -0.53 321 3.87 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.266 1.182 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 1.41716133726054 1.69600320478965 3.68993963044265 1.61836750959528 0.0415853462021413 0.0073638974783283 0.0069096974906297 0.0224342699210834 0.102167447836235 0.565310815284992 1.17007572897549 1.20883618449343
8 Balombo Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Balombo 2795 96752 97162 97604 98048 98483 98904 99361 99785 100255 100766 101211 35 -0.45 74 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.428 3.459 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Volcanic - Mesozoic, Volcanic - Mesozoic B-L/M, I-L, I-L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 5.12610024991243 5.2364677346271 7.81437610543292 5.55491457814756 0.438225159178609 0.0034608035829201 0.0006426112215748 0.0564222863834837 1.17544529230698 5.99508119666058 7.55076236310213 5.7818487001502
9 Benguela Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 0 nan 2491 487713 489939 493256 494510 496095 497805 500598 502744 505043 509023 509834 196 -0.44 128 4.58 9 13 15 7 5 3 4 1 0 0 1 5 0.921 0.225 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H 17 0 1 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Cavaco Diesel Diesel Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 1.92681012834821 2.13790232226962 4.5475271542867 2.20790760857718 0.0637739126880964 0.0013347763047672 0.0044211700050298 0.0189837306915295 0.161308077829225 1.00435342675164 1.79241447221665 1.768425822258
10 Bocoio Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Bocoio 5906 150165 150881 151585 152291 152946 153656 154377 155149 155921 156537 157193 25 -0.46 196 2.97 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1.193 1.125 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Volcanic - Mesozoic B-L/M, CSF-M/H, I-L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 3.70217525959015 4.11800718825796 8.1409304038338 5.59502340918002 0.362822733009639 0.0031795124397396 0.0015314611229927 0.0311092686758417 0.528993235981983 3.24634540081024 5.51990274242733 4.18706461657649
11 Caimbambo Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Caimbambo 3601 79448 79835 80059 80539 80837 81112 81509 81968 82269 82598 82979 22 -0.43 228 5.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.189 4.901 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary B-L/M, CSF-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 3.26120070900236 3.88229921034404 7.78682219982147 4.27690977709634 0.0931619164933051 0.0021068722725691 0.0022813677467833 0.0174227581425969 0.195262982376984 1.89859680618559 4.03493391616004 3.25545683928898
12 Chongoroi Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Chongoroi 6349 79586 79886 80265 80608 80941 81299 81648 82015 82469 82771 83155 13 -0.44 279 3.99 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.248 0.569 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Volcanic - Mesozoic, Volcanic - Mesozoic B-L/M, CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H, I-L, I-L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 3.42074475464997 4.13637775844998 7.90793045361837 3.92513865673984 0.104039994482365 0.0041621772567547 0.0018674649268346 0.0070821112226608 0.174269637989777 2.11288295631055 4.13727375975362 3.37047646443049
13 Cubal Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Cubal 4526 278854 280112 281398 282557 283894 285201 286472 287683 288967 290443 291671 62 -0.45 329 6.35 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.047 4.901 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary B-L/M, CSF-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Lomaum Hydro I Hydro Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 4.65283670569911 5.37208355556835 9.34814025416519 5.5463715466586 0.189255751217857 0.0014834710687644 0.0007875677314118 0.0291568906413335 0.315374418641582 3.30831415725477 6.09304876038522 4.91871824409022
14 Ganda Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Ganda 4945 219043 219998 221108 221981 222929 223913 224848 225785 226829 227498 228551 44 -0.42 260 4.5 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.309 1.729 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Volcanic - Mesozoic B-L/M, U-L/H(V), I-L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 5.49590938091278 6.00325852632523 9.10054783821106 5.62584736347199 0.229359233379364 0.001052840887678 0.0004376832702973 0.0463451232761145 0.530484838783741 4.22462639212608 6.94181576967239 5.95734168291092
15 Lobito Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Lobito 3061 377883 381646 382305 385808 386674 387370 390002 389808 390966 401066 400702 123 -0.58 141 3.72 3 7 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0.967 1.366 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary B-L/M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H 34 0 12 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 3.0 Quileva Diesel I, Quileva Diesel II, Lobito Diesel Diesel, Diesel, Diesel Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 2.3172067006429 2.54546663165092 5.52653640508652 3.21282409628232 0.126076794229448 0.0045113635174705 0.0034112291565785 0.0223322941067939 0.326877203459541 1.43168191115061 2.46547658741474 2.37128569185734
16 Catumbela Benguela Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Catumbela 675 98515 97024 98299 97400 98544 100153 99284 101751 102986 94303 96999 146 0.21 26 5.37 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0.894 0.587 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Metasedimentary CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, CSF-M/H 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 2.0 Biopio Diesel, Biopio Hydro Diesel, Hydro Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 2.04518204927444 2.19908340771993 4.68831125895182 2.40176264444987 0.0682783474524816 0.0011426767459852 0.0015921308950055 0.0080608499702066 0.190084596474965 1.13156155745188 1.83094567060471 1.92097014188766
17 Andulo Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Calenga 10614 188379 195390 202650 210186 218043 226178 234579 243391 252420 261887 271534 18 -3.59 117 0.96 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.437 1.783 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Volcanic - Mesozoic, Volcanic - Mesozoic, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary U-L/H(V), B-L/M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), I-L, I-L, B-L/M, CSIF-M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 6.77146125407446 6.94932488600413 7.11481699489412 3.10598793200084 0.211852215230465 0.0094890870275862 0.0039058789495486 0.184358587399835 1.43262118810699 3.59900871628807 6.53443404038747 7.47892394519988
18 Camacupa Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Camacupa 9771 113709 117929 122325 126867 131583 136465 141552 146859 152306 157988 163892 12 -3.59 82 0.73 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.824 0.598 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Carboniferous-Jurassic - Karoo Supergroup, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary - Kalahari Group B-L/M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, CSIF-M, CSI-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Camacupa Diesel Diesel Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 7.14754011789958 8.21189654032389 7.43412710189819 2.95892457962036 0.129447896182537 0.0146982824165995 0.0024232648544906 0.156666957934697 1.03947896957397 2.98886964480082 5.78833674112956 7.29935466130575
19 Catabola Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Catabola 3102 95103 98672 102320 106166 110146 114198 118521 122935 127529 132231 137143 31 -3.59 65 1.81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.557 7.787 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary B-L/M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), B-L/M, B-L/M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 7.02443506167485 8.41867597286518 7.46586687748249 2.92949877335475 0.113142621345245 0.0123505241846522 0.0011092938965038 0.142399897082494 0.928177439249479 2.69340454615079 5.83817531512334 7.44916264827435
20 Chinguar Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Chinguar 3221 94651 98184 101822 105675 109553 113652 117872 122198 126800 131400 136052 29 -3.56 82 2.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 1.668 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Chinguar Diesel Diesel Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 7.00805339446435 7.54057212976309 7.19495078233572 3.08782396866725 0.127457701529448 0.0030364218467954 0.0027441911736857 0.147245655552699 0.739736582224186 3.06857285132775 6.42220355914189 7.47877744527963
21 Chitembo Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Chitembo 20731 55529 57571 59715 61952 64205 66548 69054 71608 74313 76992 79895 3 -3.57 189 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.778 1.412 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary - Kalahari Group B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, CSIF-M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, CSI-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan nan 0 nan 6.58406987623735 7.27671313430324 7.00900210756244 2.6474493041183 0.140463428605687 0.0025445821436512 0.0008668354860812 0.0693535041346243 0.5202407621073 2.55526606097366 5.20007716959173 6.30331965359774
22 Cuemba Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Cuemba 14175 41291 42807 44370 46016 47708 49449 51273 53179 55135 57101 59215 3 -3.54 77 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.914 1.941 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Carboniferous-Jurassic - Karoo Supergroup, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Carboniferous-Jurassic - Karoo Supergroup, Sedimentary - Carboniferous-Jurassic - Karoo Supergroup, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary - Kalahari Group U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), B-L/M, CSIF-M, CSIF-M, CSIF-M, CSI-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 6.980762260002 7.33530805403726 7.05341717653107 3.11236789352015 0.13085693258204 0.0098108052002396 0.005531846398458 0.230030221374411 1.45158064469957 3.35006599258958 6.21110207574409 7.27236431105095
23 Cunhinga Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Cunhinga 2086 55790 57892 60067 62297 64655 67055 69520 72195 74851 77561 80441 27 -3.59 44 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.237 1.189 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, CSIF-M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 7.16540553834703 7.94422189394633 7.32707301775614 3.09209967984094 0.132265394760503 0.0058909930780323 0.0024991853311399 0.168910064217117 1.0326876938343 3.26197326183319 6.5937995645735 7.70922271410624
24 Cuito (Kuito) Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 1 Cuito 4846 339705 352328 365513 379058 393176 407915 423052 438747 455074 472299 489893 70 -3.59 122 2.23 7 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.519 1.82 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, CSIF-M, B-L/M, B-L/M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), CSIF-M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, B-L/M, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, CSIF-M 0 1 2 0 0 12 3 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Caluapanda Diesel Diesel Yes Yes nan nan 0 nan 7.0099984846617 8.10449158517938 7.25622337742856 3.04849556872719 0.118307607150392 0.0089944176139205 0.0032290861549762 0.144013540329118 0.774586108170058 2.64698288942638 6.05539522672954 7.13101951699508
25 N'harea Bié Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC No nan 0 nan 0 nan 6935 91347 94756 98303 101969 105760 109713 113814 118044 122472 126998 131723 13 -3.59 57 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.487 4.278 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Basement, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement, Volcanic - Mesozoic, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement U-L/H(V), B-L/M, B-L/M, U-L/H(V), B-L/M, I-L, B-L/M, CSIF-M, B-L/M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan No No nan nan 0 nan 7.0724609375 7.37351629950783 7.43689381859519 2.99567540342158 0.156704876233231 0.0127469693056562 0.0029366834805097 0.174897757443515 1.47950341918252 3.39822094223716 6.10881944136186 7.2395679473877
26 Belize Cabinda Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC Yes Angola Congo, Angola DRC, Congo DRC 0 nan 0 nan 1152 34769 31211 28375 25045 22514 20459 17946 17029 14954 13484 12336 30 10.94 8 0.62 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0.842 3.242 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 3.0 Dongfang Cabinda-Belize Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid, Belize Diesel, Miconje Hydro Diesel, Diesel, Hydro Yes No nan nan 0 nan 5.6014199256897 6.04787263870239 5.54240822792053 6.05923166275024 2.44091200828552 0.0486772717908025 0.0112837241031229 0.0651429612189531 0.489917409420013 3.4200204372406 7.32643313407898 6.74530487060547
27 Buco Zau Cabinda Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC Yes Angola Congo, Angola DRC 0 nan 1 Buco Zau 2007 64794 57643 51608 45737 40662 36522 32467 28569 25596 23237 20818 32 12.03 7 0.32 1 2 0 3 0 1 4 4 0 0 8 5 1.199 3.242 0.0 0 nan Precambrian Metasedimentary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H, CSF-M/H, U-M/H, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), CSF-M/H, U-L/H(V) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 1.0 Buco Zau Diesel Diesel Yes No nan nan 0 nan 5.62684426988874 6.35512801579067 5.6132550239563 5.88080075808934 1.97167726925441 0.0368625533633998 0.0121685167708035 0.0673146186662572 0.375728890299797 2.99580378191812 6.98879258973258 6.42210037367685
28 Cabinda Cabinda Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC Yes Angola DRC 0 nan 1 Cabinda 2408 1191808 1057221 939639 833297 737712 655540 581980 516455 458228 407444 357907 495 12.78 25 0.98 2 2 5 8 1 2 5 4 0 0 7 2 1.255 4.258 0.0 0 nan Sedimentary - Cretaceous, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated CSI-L/M, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V) 5 5 7 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 2.0 Malembo Gas, Diesel I, Cabinda Diesel Natural gas, Diesel, Diesel Yes No Oil nan 0 nan 5.01799451603609 5.57962953343111 4.96775868359734 5.12738578459796 1.32515265661127 0.048990195397945 0.025703380432199 0.102130410864073 0.323748656055507 1.95729511625627 5.53516387939453 5.32250163134407
29 Cacongo (Landana) Cabinda Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC Yes Angola Congo, Angola DRC 0 nan 0 nan 1486 75104 66687 59213 52479 46575 41260 36748 32628 28984 25600 22558 51 12.78 9 0.53 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1.253 1.752 1.379 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary U-M/H, U-L/H(V), U-L/H(V) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan 3.0 Chibodo Diesel, Sende Santa Catarina Diesel, Dongfang Cabinda-Dinge Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid Diesel, Diesel, Diesel Yes No nan nan 0 nan 5.3193804195949 6.09002464158194 5.26022505760193 5.2367330959865 1.57142750705991 0.0384772717952728 0.0259598862113697 0.102798490652016 0.37163202890328 2.53204490457262 6.10119955880301 5.82823828288487
30 Calai Cuando Cubango Angola Middle Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa SADC Yes Angola Namibia 0 nan 0 nan 8683 16237 16811 17437 18057 18546 19177 19952 20467 21114 21753 22256 2 -3.1 209 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.295 1.614 0.0 0 nan Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary - Kalahari Group U-L/H(V), CSI-M/H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan nan nan nan Yes No nan Cubango, Cuito 0 nan 5.02345058577401 4.15914701393672 3.4898460660662 1.16393893105643 0.101167467130082 0.0086379869691362 0.000691348960832 0.006819962094804 0.0448595226609281 0.425292200701577 2.25445427553994 3.24579401356833
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fid Borderland (UNDP Africa Borderland Centre) Macro Region REC 2020 Population (WorldPop Unadjusted 1km) Landmass in km^2 (QGIS) Population Density 2020 (WorldPop and QGIS) Schools (OSM 2024) Police (OSM 2024) Banks (OSM 2024) Hospitals (OSM 2024) CommsTower Violent Incident Count 2023 (ACLED 2024) Border Crossings (Africa Borderland Centre 2024) Drought Risk Mean, EvapoTranspiration SPEI 2.0 RP25 (Global Drought Hazard 2024) Drought Risk Max, EvapoTranspiration SPEI 2.0 RP25 (Global Drought Hazard 2024) Relative Drought Risk Guide Riverine Flooding Max Value 25 Year RP (WATCH) Relative Flooding Risk Guide Coastal Flooding Max Value 25 Year RP (WATCH) GLG (Africa Groundwater Atlas 2021) HGComb (Africa Groundwater Atlas 2021) 2010 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2011 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2012 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2013 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2014 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2015 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2016 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2017 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2018 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2019 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) 2020 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) Average Population Growth 2010-2020 (WorldPop 2020 UN Adjusted 1km Global Mosaic) Cattle Count (FAO GLEAR) Political Cities Cout (USGS) Political Cities Names (USGS) Towns (OSM 2024) Cities (OSM 2024) Refugee Sit Count (UNHCR 2024) Refugee Sit Names (UNHCR 2024) Political Violence Count 2014-2023 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2014 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2015 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2016 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2017 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2018 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2019 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2020 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2021 (ACLED 2024) Political Violence Count 2022 (ACLED 2024) Fatal Violence Count 2014-2018 (ACLED 2024) Fatal Violence Count 2019-2023 (ACLED 2024) Fatalities 2014-2023 (ACLED 2024) Lakes (USGS 2024) Major River (USGS) Motorways (USGS 2024) Primary Roads (USGS 2024) Railways (USGS 2024) Pipelines (USGS 2024) Ports (USGS 2024) Power Transmission (USGS 2024) Power Station Count (USGS 2024) Power Station Names (USGS 2024) Power Station Type (USGS 2024) Mineral Facilties (USGS 2024) Mineral Deposits (USGS 2024) Mineral Deposit Names (USGS 2024) January Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) February Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) March Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) April Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) May Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) June Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) July Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) August Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) September Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) October Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) November Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024) December Rainfall Mean (NASA 2024)
1 Algeria Libya North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, COMESA, UMA 42996 59799 0.7 5 2 6 2 29 2 142 1.01 1.52 Medium 0.02 Very Low Risk 0.0 Recent-Quaternary unconsolidated sediments, Cambrian to Silurian sedimentary, Triassic to Jurassic - South; sedimentary, Sedimentary - Mesozoic-Palaeozoic, Carboniferous sedimentary, Devonian sedimentary, Cretaceous sedimentary - South U-H(*), CSIF-M/H, CSIFK-H/VH 35660 34248 36544 36447 36521 37886 37966 39796 39793 41619 42996 1.93 1.25310297176702 0 nan 1 2 0 nan 40 2 1 3 5 6 6 3 4 2 1 0 1 nan nan No Yes No Gas/Condensate, Gas/Condensate, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil nan EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 2 Deb Deb Diesel, Tinelkoum Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Edjeleh oilfield, Zarzaitine oilfield, Quarry at Ghadames, Wafa oilfield Sodium sulfate Ghat 0.081 0.057 0.117 0.084 0.087 0.079 0.016 0.066 0.101 0.132 0.052 0.085
2 Algeria Mali West Africa, North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS, UMA 28182 78732 0.4 10 0 0 4 4 4 94 1.04 1.5 Medium 0.02 Very Low Risk 0.0 Recent-Quaternary unconsolidated sediments, Cenozoic marine sedimentary, Cenozoic Volcanic, Sedimentary - Palaeozoic, Sedimentary - Upper Cretaceous, Sedimentary - Lower Cretaceous, Cretaceous sedimentary - South U-L, I-L, U-LM, CSF-M, CSIFK-H/VH, U-H(*), CSIF-M/H 18938 19662 19764 20233 20790 22212 23519 24856 25521 27027 28182 4.07 21.8108457316994 0 nan 2 0 0 nan 57 4 2 1 7 5 0 7 10 8 13 10 110 nan nan No Yes No nan nan nan 3 Tinzaouatine Diesel, Timiaoune Diesel, Bordj Badji Mokhtar Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 0.029 0.061 0.051 0.039 0.07 0.188 0.473 0.794 0.385 0.108 0.019 0.017
3 Algeria Mauritania West Africa, North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, UMA 6350 30399 0.2 0 0 0 0 4 0 89 1.29 1.62 Medium 0.08 Very Low Risk 0.0 Precambrian Metasedimentary, Cenozoic marine sedimentary, Cenozoic Volcanic, Igneous, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Tertiary-Quaternary unconsolidated sediments, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Cambrian-Carboniferous, Devonian sedimentary, Preca CSF-L/M(H), CSIF-M/H?, I-L, B-L/VL, I-U, U-H(V), CSF-L/M, B-L, CSIF-M/H 2760 2720 4849 4700 5058 5169 5319 5922 6224 6745 6350 10.54 0.628537937252986 0 nan 0 0 0 nan 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 nan nan No No No nan nan nan 0 nan nan nan Iron Ghara Djebilet 0.064 0.188 0.089 0.085 0.089 0.054 0.047 0.263 0.36 0.41 0.208 0.097
4 Algeria Morocco North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, UMA 1423553 94452 15.1 53 41 122 5 168 89 325 1.1 1.6 Medium 5.54 Very High Risk 0.62 Cenozoic marine sedimentary, Early Cretaceous, Carboniferous sedimentary, Cretaceous sedimentary - South, Late Tertiary to Quaternary, Cretaceous - Tertiary, Precambrian, Triassic to Jurassic - North; sedimentary, Cambrian to Silurian sedimentary, Cenozo U-L/H, I-L, CSF-L, CSIFK-H/VH, CSFK-H/VH, B-L, U-H(V), U-H(*), CSIF-M/H 1258396 1272878 1292229 1307104 1321097 1337995 1355935 1372824 1391056 1409319 1428421 1.28 1028.01795018282 0 nan 18 4 0 nan 242 2 5 6 5 8 41 24 58 57 0 2 3 nan nan Yes Yes Yes Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage 1 Bouareg Hydro Electric Power Station Aggregate quarries at Tadjertila, Mellal Mine, Mine at Hammam Boughrara, Plant at Ghazaouet, Plant at Ghazaouet, Facility at Figuig, Mine at Zelmou, Facility at Figuig, Facility at Figuig, Figuig, Mine at Touissit, Plant at Oued El Heimer, Sebou gasfield Barite, Copper, Lead, Lead, Zinc, Zinc, Lead, Lead, Clay (Bentonite) Zelmou, Ghar Rouban, Djebel Maasser, Maaziz, Ghazaouet, El Abed, Oued El Heimer Zellidja, Touissit - Bou Bekker, Maghnia 0.325 0.381 0.507 0.405 0.332 0.15 0.094 0.286 0.619 0.689 0.704 0.375
5 Algeria Niger West Africa, North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS, UMA 12240 59851 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 7 98 1.05 1.66 Medium 0.25 Low Risk 0.0 Cretaceous sedimentary - South, Unconsolidated sedimentary - Quaternary, Recent-Quaternary unconsolidated sediments, Sedimentary - Cretaceous, Cambrian to Silurian sedimentary, Cenozoic Volcanic, Carboniferous sedimentary, Sedimentary - Lower Cretaceous, U-M/H(L), CSI-M/H, U-L, I-L, CSIFK-H/VH, B-L, U-H(*), CSIF-M/H, I-L/M 9583 9438 8960 9624 10004 9612 10913 10727 11164 11969 12240 2.62 0.0425498217264249 0 nan 1 0 0 nan 45 0 0 2 2 3 0 3 3 11 4 9 44 nan nan No Yes No nan nan nan 1 Aïn Guezzam Diesel Electric Power Station nan nan nan 0.024 0.019 0.024 0.012 0.057 0.133 0.247 0.453 0.12 0.051 0.005 0.006
6 Algeria Tunisia North Africa AU, CEN-SAD, COMESA, UMA 1767282 56663 31.2 117 23 15 6 58 45 290 1.09 1.41 Medium 1.67 High Risk 0.76 Cretaceous sedimentary - North, Recent-Quaternary unconsolidated sediments, Cenozoic marine sedimentary, Unconsolidated, Mesozoic sedimentary, Cretaceous-Tertiary sedimentary, Triassic to Jurassic - North; sedimentary U-H, CSIF-H, CSIF-M, U-M, CSIFK-H/VH, U-H(*), CSIF-M/H 1592024 1604060 1620654 1635209 1654450 1673851 1692004 1712092 1731933 1749312 1769515 1.06 2744.32216797613 0 nan 25 4 0 nan 738 58 40 75 69 78 148 125 73 31 43 6 130 nan nan No Yes Yes Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Gas/LPG, Oil, Oil, Gas/LPG, Gas, Gas, Gas, Gas, Gas, Gas, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, LPG nan HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage 5 Feriana Gas, Kasserine Gas, Nebeur Hydro, Fernana Hydro, Bou Heurtma Hydro Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Boukhadra Mine, Khanguet Mine, Mine at Djebel Onk (Djemidjema and Kef Essenoun), Ouenza Mine, Plant in Tebessa Province, Quarry at Ghadames, Chouech Essaida field, Douleb/Semmama field, Ech-chouech field, Hameima Mine, Kef Eddour Mine, Metlaoui Mine, Mine at Redeyef, Plant at Feriana, Redeyef Mine, Uom El Araies Mine Iron, Phosphate, Phosphate, Phosphate, Phosphate, Phosphate, Phosphate, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Zinc, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Zinc Khanguet, Djebel Kouif, Djebel Onk, Moulares, M'Rata, Redeyef, Kalaa Khasba, Bou Khadra, Ouenza, Douaria, Tamera, El Ouasta, Bougrine, Djebel El Adjered, Bou Jabeur, Djebel Hallouf, Fedj Assene 0.863 0.725 0.913 0.86 0.589 0.251 0.115 0.328 0.785 0.764 1.035 0.97
7 Angola Congo Central Africa AU, ECCAS, SADC 499134 12892 38.7 64 9 8 5 17 2 70 1.01 1.4 Medium 0.53 Medium Risk 1.38 Surface water, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary CSIF-M/H, n/a, CSF-M/H 530247 520465 516328 511853 497452 506522 493437 492911 502511 506672 504971 -0.47 142.011615082622 0 nan 3 2 0 nan 41 0 3 7 2 3 5 6 1 8 5 13 133 nan nan No Yes Yes Oil, Oil, Gas, Oil, Oil, Gas, Oil, Oil, Oil Djeno Terminal MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 13 Pointe-Noire CEC Gas, Pointe-Noire CEC Gas CCGT Expansion, Djéno Gas, Chibodo Diesel, Sende Santa Catarina Diesel, Dongfang Cabinda-Belize Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid, Dongfang Cabinda-Dinge Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid, Belize Diesel, Buco Zau Diesel, Dolisie Diesel, Bilala Diesel, Miconje Hydro, Kimongo Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Banga Kayo, Emeraude field, Facility at Dolisie, Facility at Hinda, Facility at Kouilou Department, Kouakouala field, Loufika field Magnesium Makola 5.566 6.15 5.621 5.738 2.169 0.045 0.023 0.089 0.454 3.209 6.899 6.442
8 Angola DRC Central Africa AU, COMESA, ECCAS, SADC 5255962 140439 37.4 53 16 17 10 12 24 206 1.34 1.71 Medium 9.1 Very High Risk 1.01 Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous, Katanga Supergroup, Sedimentary - Cretaceous-Tertiary, Precambrian Basement, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated, Precambrian basement and metasedimentary, undifferentiated, Qua U-L/H(V), CSF-H, CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, B-L/M, CSI-L/M 3393872 3515811 3657113 3822315 3987007 4164983 4334364 4553223 4827191 5055614 5276029 4.51 436.326908758027 0 nan 26 6 1 Dundo 257 5 12 20 38 14 34 33 25 27 37 35 851 nan Congo, Zambezi No Yes Yes Oil, Gas, Gas, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil, Oil Cabinda, Banana HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 15 Luachimo Hydro, Chibodo Diesel, Dundo Diesel, Cabinda Diesel, Luao Diesel, Dongfang Cabinda-Belize Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid, Dongfang Cabinda-Dinge Solar PV, Diesel Hybrid, Matadi Hydro, Belize Diesel, Buco Zau Diesel, Muanda Thermal, Tshela Thermal, Miconje Hydro, Dilolo Thermal, Kimongo Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Area B (Soyo), Block 2/05, Cabinda South, Kinkasi Well, Liawenda Well, Makelekese Well, Mibale Well, Motoba Well, Muanda Well, Plant at Songololo, Tschiende Well, Tshiala Well Diamond Lucapa area 5.693 5.804 6.24 5.507 1.422 0.11 0.065 0.52 1.839 4.144 6.866 6.749
9 Angola Namibia Central Africa, Southern Africa AU, ECCAS, SADC 1018003 82133 12.4 9 8 15 0 11 12 213 1.21 1.62 Medium 1.63 High Risk 0.33 Precambrian Metasedimentary, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Carboniferous-Jurassic - Karoo Supergroup CSF-M/H, CSIF-M, U-L/H(V) 853925 868052 885148 903927 904922 919531 946247 954621 973430 999603 1018033 1.78 11380.10559926 0 nan 11 1 0 nan 79 5 6 5 3 2 4 6 17 18 1 2 3 nan Okavango, Cubango, Cuito No Yes Yes nan nan MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage 3 Ruacana Hydro, Calueque Hydro, Outapi Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 3.969 3.602 3.348 1.108 0.056 0.013 0.001 0.005 0.049 0.425 1.786 2.407
10 Angola Zambia Central Africa, Southern Africa AU, COMESA, ECCAS, SADC 346038 65662 5.3 90 2 0 0 12 1 279 1.08 1.55 Medium 1.56 High Risk 0.0 Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary - Kalahari Group, Katanga Supergroup, Tertiary: Kalahari Group, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary U-L/H(V), CSI-M/H, CSF-H, CSF-M/H, U-L/M 233669 243083 249799 261557 268323 280368 293954 301947 318005 331657 346038 4.01 1101.33031343296 0 nan 3 0 0 nan 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 nan Zambezi No Yes No nan nan EHV - Extra High Voltage 3 Shangombo Diesel, Zengamina Hydro, Rivungo Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 6.579 6.49 5.688 2.128 0.107 0.018 0.001 0.028 0.267 1.363 4.358 6.263
11 Benin Burkina_Faso West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 501025 16210 30.9 56 2 0 8 9 84 70 1.19 1.5 Medium 1.5 High Risk 0.0 Proterozic to Palaeozoic (meta)sedimentary, Precambrian Basement CSF-L/M, B-L 319983 335748 350932 367315 376830 399428 422336 439351 459551 478755 501025 4.59 2067.62487822026 0 nan 3 0 0 nan 335 0 0 1 2 3 10 15 54 67 2 118 543 nan Oti No Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage 2 Kompienga Hydro, Kompienga Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 0.004 0.112 0.24 1.237 3.032 4.548 6.539 8.082 6.128 1.791 0.052 0.002
12 Benin Niger West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 980921 15517 63.2 7 4 1 0 13 101 57 1.37 1.53 Medium 3.12 Very High Risk 0.0 Precambrian Basement, Unconsolidated sedimentary, Sedimentary - Cretaceous, Sedimentary - Iullemmeden basin, sometimes with unconsolidated cover CSI-M/H, U-H, CSIF-H, B-L 691218 717896 731719 760824 798451 817270 853016 882945 912343 953726 980921 3.57 4809.24691897631 0 nan 14 2 0 nan 179 2 0 2 3 3 3 11 12 46 5 73 150 nan Niger No Yes No nan nan nan 1 Gaya Diesel Electric Power Station nan Phosphate, Iron, Iron Tapoa, Loumbou-Loumbou, Madekali 0.005 0.035 0.079 0.63 2.416 3.999 6.141 8.283 5.202 1.159 0.011 0.001
13 Benin Nigeria West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 5491987 44496 123.4 610 59 38 39 46 60 713 1.27 1.55 Medium 5.06 Very High Risk 0.0 Sedimentary - Iullemmeden basin, sometimes with unconsolidated cover, Surface water, Sedimentary - Cretaceous, Basement Complex, Niger Delta Basin - Unconsolidated sedimentary - Tertiary-Quaternary, Precambrian Mobile/Orogenic Belt, Sokoto Basin - Sedime n/a, CSI-H, CSI-M/H, U-H/VH, CSIF-H, B-L, B-L/M 3859854 3984690 4143360 4297780 4441858 4611326 4767026 4936451 5115963 5331206 5510204 3.62 9486.16592091322 2 Cotonou, Porto-Novo 80 6 0 nan 366 8 6 4 15 18 44 72 61 61 26 107 234 Lake Nokoue Niger No Yes Yes Gas/Condensate nan HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage 3 Akpakpa Diesel HFO, Porto Novo HFO, Gaya Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Cotonou Plant, Onigbolo Plant, Onigbolo Plant, Plant in Massé, Plant at Ibese Iron Madekali 0.194 0.441 1.241 2.572 4.408 5.82 5.798 6.405 7.046 3.617 0.507 0.076
14 Benin Togo West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 4725258 38621 122.3 607 49 54 100 24 115 436 1.06 1.43 Medium 2.13 Very High Risk 1.66 Sedimentary - Coastal basin, sometimes with unconsolidated cover, Surface water n/a, CSI-H 3564255 3654390 3762394 3866041 3980015 4101668 4221145 4329422 4463731 4601687 4738020 2.89 4854.62897855043 0 nan 74 4 0 nan 398 1 3 2 14 12 21 37 43 79 8 140 466 nan Oti No Yes Yes Gas/Condensate Kpeme HV - High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage 4 Nangbeto Hydro, Kara Diesel, Kompienga Hydro, Kompienga Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Facility at Tabligbo, Facility at Tabligbo, Facility at Tabligbo, Mines at Akoumape and Hahotue, Tabligbo Facility nan nan 0.169 0.558 1.562 3.075 4.233 5.588 5.913 5.888 6.56 3.581 0.603 0.117
15 Botswana Namibia Southern Africa AU, SADC 179563 82537 2.2 14 12 10 0 27 2 545 1.43 1.62 Medium 2.0 Very High Risk 0.0 Precambrian Transvaal Supergroup: dominantly dolomite, Unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian: dominantly (meta)sedimentary, Precambrian: Basement U-H 150642 150939 151785 154262 159514 162892 164700 167772 172083 174683 179563 1.78 3566.27666323539 0 nan 4 0 0 nan 12 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 4 nan Zambezi, Okavango, Cubango No Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 2 Belmond Savute Elephant Lodge Solar PV, Chobe Water Villas Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 3.798 3.401 2.573 1.181 0.12 0.058 0.002 0.011 0.046 0.455 1.771 2.499
16 Botswana South_Africa Southern Africa AU, SADC 1193423 95107 12.5 55 18 34 4 34 22 824 1.07 1.56 Medium 1.78 High Risk 0.0 Precambrian Transvaal Supergroup: dominantly dolomite, Precambrian: dominantly (meta)sedimentary, Precambrian: Basement, Karoo Supergroup nan 1008141 1030988 1041390 1055345 1074177 1093347 1113541 1131306 1152769 1171946 1193423 1.7 4973.4172215627 1 Gaborone 9 2 0 nan 152 11 14 18 5 22 13 18 17 15 6 13 21 nan Limpopo, Marico No Yes Yes nan nan EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage 2 Tom Burke Solar PV, South African Revenue Service Mmabatho Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Facility at Lobatse, Lerala Mine, Quarry at Kgale, Quarry at Mokolodi, Grootegeluk Mine, Venetia Mine Niobium (columbium), Niobium (columbium), Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Phosphate, Diamond Palinesberg, Pilanesberg, Lobatse, Ramotswa, Gopane, Glenover, Venetia (K1 Pipe) 2.489 2.378 1.664 1.296 0.256 0.182 0.025 0.044 0.198 0.718 1.425 1.956
17 Botswana Zambia Southern Africa AU, COMESA, SADC 50914 2792 18.2 8 4 9 0 13 1 26 nan nan nan 2.0 Very High Risk 0.0 Unconsolidated sedimentary U-H 35813 36021 35456 37551 41276 41750 43108 44097 46749 47600 50914 3.63 299.52614950249 0 nan 2 0 0 nan 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 nan Zambezi No Yes No nan nan MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 1 Chobe Water Villas Solar PV Electric Power Station nan nan nan 5.155 4.558 3.651 1.109 0.116 0.061 0.001 0.008 0.033 0.449 2.77 4.3
18 Botswana Zimbabwe Southern Africa AU, COMESA, SADC 490137 47929 10.2 40 17 19 0 27 5 478 1.16 1.53 Medium 3.46 Very High Risk 0.0 Unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian Basement Complex and Metavolcanics, Igneous - Upper Karoo Basalt, Sedimentary Kalahari Basin, Sedimentary - Mesozoic-Palaeozoic (Upper and Lower Karoo), Karoo Supergroup covered by volcanic rocks U-H, B-L, CSIF-H, I-M 415395 421560 430520 434083 446530 453713 460591 466357 473341 478885 490137 1.67 3671.98375828145 0 nan 7 1 0 nan 27 2 2 3 2 0 2 2 1 6 0 5 5 nan Zambezi, Limpopo No Yes Yes nan nan HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage, LV - Low Voltage 5 Matshelagabedi Diesel, APR Matshelagabedi Diesel, Chobe Water Villas Solar PV, Ndolwane Solar PV, Mashaba Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Mupane Mine, Phoenix Mine, Phoenix Mine, Phoenix Mine, Phoenix Mine, Phoenix Mine, Plant at Matsiloje, Quarry at Francistown, Selkirk Mine, Selkirk Mine, Selkirk Mine, Selkirk Mine, Selkirk Mine, Venetia Mine Platinum-group elements (PGE), Nickel, Gold, Gold, Diamond Selkirk, Phoenix Mine, Golden Eagle, Shashe, Venetia (K1 Pipe) 3.857 3.38 2.182 0.984 0.091 0.084 0.007 0.022 0.121 0.619 2.261 3.377
19 Burkina_Faso Cote_dIvoire West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 1249738 27640 45.2 97 9 2 4 9 48 212 1.39 1.71 Medium 0.95 High Risk 0.0 nan nan 789099 825249 862340 903801 942984 986803 1034757 1082469 1135522 1188930 1249738 4.71 8186.94480890036 0 nan 21 0 1 Bouna 253 2 3 7 2 7 12 19 55 66 7 102 421 nan Black Volta No Yes Yes nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 3 Tourni Hydro, Fanidiama Solar PV Mini-Grid, Fanidiama Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 0.047 0.365 1.106 2.768 3.569 4.553 5.518 7.355 6.639 3.069 0.541 0.059
20 Burkina_Faso Ghana West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 2669848 32665 81.7 178 29 35 8 41 86 412 1.42 1.63 Medium 1.45 High Risk 0.0 nan nan 2171966 2212224 2255745 2298742 2348562 2398354 2452209 2501572 2555955 2613389 2669848 2.09 8143.31027700007 0 nan 46 2 2 Bolgatanga, Wa 308 7 6 14 10 17 33 18 29 65 14 116 566 nan Black Volta, White Volta No Yes No Refined Product nan MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, EHV - Extra High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 4 Navrongo Solar PV, Léo Diesel, Avesoro Youga Mine Diesel, Po Sonabel Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Youga Mine nan nan 0.025 0.243 0.662 2.056 3.203 4.256 5.981 7.882 6.303 2.135 0.197 0.025
21 Burkina_Faso Mali West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 2853442 67988 42.0 1013 12 11 39 37 244 1266 1.1 1.58 Medium 0.73 Medium Risk 0.0 Precambrian Metasedimentary, Unconsolidated sedimentary - Quaternary, Proterozic to Palaeozoic (meta)sedimentary, Sedimentary - Tertiary, Continental Terminal, Igneous intrusive - dolerite, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Crystalline Basement, Igneous U-M/H(L), CSI-M/H, U-H, CSIF-H, CSF-M, CSF-L/M, B-L, I-L/M, I-M 2045221 2121262 2181291 2254180 2331839 2405996 2486611 2572312 2664296 2755588 2853442 3.39 27457.8872232437 0 nan 49 3 0 nan 1832 0 8 15 70 125 230 304 318 315 140 771 5801 nan Black Volta, White Volta No Yes Yes nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 19 Sofitex N’dorola Thermal, Koro Diesel, Ourikéla Diesel, Solar, Battery Hybrid, Koury Diesel Solar Hybrid, Yorosso Diesel, Solar, Battery Hybrid, Fanidiama Solar PV Mini-Grid, Kai Solar PV, Battery Mini-Grid, Kourounidifing Diesel Solar PV Hybrid, Bentia Diesel, Biomass MFP, Dinangourou Diesel, Fanidiama Diesel, Finkolo Solar PV, Gangafani Diesel, Karangana Solar PV, Loulouni Diesel, Ourikéla Diesel, Solar Hybrid, Sekoro Solar PV, Touba Diesel, Yerendourou Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan Manganese Tambao 0.019 0.043 0.193 0.743 1.484 3.512 5.845 7.213 4.505 1.387 0.08 0.006
22 Burkina_Faso Niger West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 1194860 33696 35.5 18 7 2 1 15 201 285 1.11 1.46 Medium 3.12 Very High Risk 0.0 Proterozic to Palaeozoic (meta)sedimentary, Unconsolidated sedimentary - Quaternary, Precambrian Metasedimentary, Sedimentary - Tertiary, Continental Terminal, Precambrian Basement, Precambrian Crystalline Basement U-M/H(L), CSI-M/H, CSF-M, CSF-L/M, B-L 807555 836336 873209 901380 945266 973144 1013446 1061936 1110553 1163681 1194860 4.0 19833.1993676722 0 nan 3 2 0 nan 1225 0 1 3 2 16 76 153 303 295 12 508 2911 nan Niger No Yes No nan nan nan 2 Essakane Mine HFO, Solar PV, Samira Hill Mine Diesel Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Essakane Mine, Samira Hill Mine Manganese, Phosphate, Gold Tambao, Tapoa, Sebba 0.004 0.027 0.042 0.407 1.305 2.955 4.972 6.532 3.4 0.778 0.012 0.001
23 Burkina_Faso Togo West Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECOWAS 1361872 10040 135.6 252 18 20 29 12 181 295 1.11 1.34 Medium 1.01 High Risk 0.0 nan nan 997144 1030404 1064138 1095213 1125803 1161567 1200065 1240200 1278670 1321865 1361872 3.17 3998.12690901756 0 nan 13 1 1 Dapaong 560 3 3 5 10 10 17 13 32 164 10 234 1209 nan White Volta, Oti No Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage 2 Kompienga Hydro, Kompienga Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 0.017 0.15 0.388 1.713 3.091 4.286 6.408 7.972 6.387 2.187 0.117 0.007
24 Burundi DRC East Africa, Central Africa AU, COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, SADC 5050361 15206 332.1 546 15 47 98 32 237 46 1.38 1.49 Medium 0.32 Low Risk 0.0 Surface water, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian basement and metasedimentary, undifferentiated n/a, U-H, B-L/M, U-L/H(V) 3608816 3733869 3853608 4001143 4146510 4280896 4435998 4588796 4728899 4888068 5050361 3.42 2413.38544368744 1 Bujumbura 45 6 1 Baraka 4994 92 1001 500 315 404 372 512 622 412 758 823 3722 Lake Tanganyika nan No Yes No nan nan LV - Low Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 10 Ruzizi II Hydro, Interpetrol Emergency Diesel, Gishoma Peat, SES Cimerwa Diesel, Mugere Hydro, Bujumbura Diesel, Bujumbura Diesel Expansion, Nyemanga Hydro, Brarudi Brewery Thermal, University Hospital of Kamenge Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Gakara Mine, Mines in Cibitoke and various other locations, Muhuhuri Mine, Plant in Cibitoke Province, Various sites in Bujumbura Province, Various sites in Cibitoke Province, Twangiza Mine, Mine at Gishoma, Mine at Nengo, Mine at Nyakabuye, Mine near Muganza, Mine near Muganza, Plant at Cyangugu, Plant at Muganza Lithium, Rare Earth elements (REE) Ruhembe, Karonge Gakara 4.906 4.789 5.287 5.409 2.667 0.534 0.259 0.459 1.651 3.069 4.935 5.228
25 Burundi Rwanda East Africa AU, COMESA, EAC 9227433 16966 543.9 332 9 31 40 37 150 156 1.37 1.58 Medium 0.52 Medium Risk 0.0 Surface water, Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary, Precambrian basement undifferentiated n/a, U-H, B-L/M(V) 6818326 7031627 7242894 7475681 7693410 7912864 8178388 8429113 8673976 8941904 9227433 3.07 5878.20145964622 0 nan 72 9 5 Gashora, Kirehe, Nyamata, Huye, Bukavu 2717 45 174 196 228 320 403 329 385 275 293 558 1824 Lake Kivu Kagera No Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 10 Ruzizi II Hydro, Ruzizi I Hydro, Rwegura Hydro, Gishoma Peat, SES Cimerwa Diesel, Ngara Diesel, Mazimeru Hydro, Nshiri Hydro I, Agatobwe Hydro, Marangara Hydro Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Buvyukana Mine, Cumba Mine, Gatete Mine, Kibuba Mine, Kidunduri Mine, Kivuvu Mine, Kivuvu Mine, Kuwinkona Mine, Mines in Cibitoke and various other locations, Mines in Kirundo and various other locations, Mines in Ngozi and various other locations, Muhuhuri Mine, Munege Mine, Munege Mine, Murehe Mine, Plant in Cibitoke Province, Rwamirambol Mine, Ryamukona Mine, Sites in Kirundo Province, Sites in Muyinga Province, Six mines at various locations, Various sites in Cibitoke Province, Mine at Gishoma, Mine at Nengo, Mine at Nyakabuye, Mine near Muganza, Mine near Muganza, Mines in Bugesera District, Mines in Bugesera District, Mines in Kirehe District, Mines in Nyamasheke District, Mines in Nyamasheke District, Mines in Rusizi District, Plant at Cyangugu, Plant at Muganza Lithium, Lithium Ruhembe, Kivuvu 3.987 4.296 5.102 5.408 3.335 0.697 0.379 0.894 2.434 3.738 5.17 4.193
26 Burundi Tanzania East Africa AU, COMESA, EAC, SADC 5334592 24488 217.8 506 16 15 35 0 61 532 1.31 1.61 Medium 1.51 High Risk 0.0 Surface water nan 3844329 3965830 4086931 4221837 4354565 4502377 4648326 4807989 4978437 5150235 5334592 3.33 5275.75682067871 0 nan 45 5 5 Kirehe, Kibondo, Ruyigi, Muyinga, Makamba 1589 9 157 190 240 239 185 122 95 85 180 135 442 Lake Tanganyika Kagera No Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 6 Moso Sugar Company Bagasse, Kibondo Diesel, Ngara Diesel, Kayenzi Hydro, Kayongozi Hydro, Murore Hydro Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Cumba Mine, Kuwinkona Mine, Mine at Buyongwe, Mine at Gitanga, Rwamirambol Mine, Sites in Kirundo Province, Sites in Muyinga Province, Various sites in Cankuzo Province, Various sites in Muyinga Province, Various sites in Ruyigi Province, Mines in Kirehe District Cobalt, Cobalt Kabanga, Musongati 4.685 4.624 5.403 5.348 2.241 0.307 0.177 0.422 1.358 2.857 5.189 5.047
27 Cameroon CAR Central Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECCAS 693484 46573 14.9 89 11 0 0 9 20 326 1.42 1.63 Medium 2.81 Very High Risk 0.0 Unconsolidated sedimentary - Quat - Chad Formation, Quaternary-Tertiary - Lake Chad basin, Igneous intrusive, Sedimentary - Tertiary - Continental Terminal CSI-M/H, U-H, I-L 507697 516064 527364 573204 586342 617229 626831 645531 670735 662291 693484 3.2 4495.52337304479 0 nan 37 0 0 nan 338 48 21 8 22 21 16 14 81 23 65 82 750 nan nan No Yes No Oil nan nan 2 Garoua Boulai Thermal, Gamboula Hydro Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Mine in East Region and various other locations nan nan 0.314 1.175 2.633 4.104 5.261 5.6 6.353 6.738 8.412 6.517 2.523 0.624
28 Cameroon Chad Central Africa AU, CEN-SAD, ECCAS 5632202 60246 93.5 155 39 51 31 28 152 411 1.25 1.5 Medium 7.66 Very High Risk 0.0 Surface water, Quaternary, Upper Precambrian - karstic, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary - sometimes karstic, Quaternary unconsolidated, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary n/a, U-L/H, CSF-M/H, CSFK-H, U-M/H 4049307 4180952 4312246 4431577 4594321 4772680 4941963 5104524 5268525 5434434 5632202 3.36 37582.220407445 1 N'Djamena 75 11 3 Touboro, Kousséri, N'Djamena (FO) 1050 34 36 67 40 58 97 98 175 196 127 219 3724 Lake Chad nan No Yes No Oil, Oil nan MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 10 Djarmaya Refinery Diesel, Farcha Diesel II, Farcha Diesel I, Aggreko Temporary Power, N'Djamena Diesel, Baore Cement HFO, Kousséri Thermal, Bongor Thermal, Touboro Thermal, Douguia Solar PV Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Facility at Figuil, Facility at Figuil, Facility at Figuil, Facility at Figuil, Grinding plant at Figuil, Baoré Plant, Lamadji Plant, Mani Rhyolite Quarry, N'Djamena Refinery nan nan 0.056 0.033 0.093 0.719 2.337 3.784 6.495 7.594 5.897 1.808 0.096 0.039
29 Cameroon Congo Central Africa AU, CEN-SAD, COMESA, ECCAS, SADC 86914 26956 3.2 5 9 1 0 0 0 14 1.44 1.63 High 4.17 Very High Risk 0.0 Surface water, Quaternary, Upper Precambrian - karstic, Sedimentary - Quaternary-Tertiary - mostly unconsolidated, Precambrian Basement, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary - sometimes karstic, Quaternary unconsolidated, Upper Precambrian metasedimentary n/a, U-L/H(V), U-L/H, CSF-M/H, CSFK-H, B-L/M, U-M/H 67594 70193 73762 73316 75711 76848 80362 81300 82470 84711 86914 2.56 54.2002413041191 0 nan 3 2 0 nan 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nan nan No Yes No nan nan MV - Medium Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 2 Ouesso Diesel, Moloundou Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station Mine in Sangha Department and various other locations nan nan 1.134 2.38 4.428 4.882 5.801 4.54 3.331 3.992 6.831 6.977 4.947 2.124
30 Cameroon Equatorial_Guinea Central Africa AU, CEN-SAD, EAC, ECCAS, IGAD 417230 13510 30.9 0 2 0 0 3 0 63 1.07 1.25 Medium 2.06 Very High Risk 1.1 Sedimentary - Tertiary CSIF-M/H 346818 355967 378604 384564 379159 375941 400657 402313 404667 423231 418517 1.94 135.024806642556 0 nan 11 3 0 nan 9 0 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 2 nan nan Yes Yes No nan nan HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage, HV - High Voltage, MV - Medium Voltage 4 Bitam Diesel, Ambam Thermal, Campo Thermal, Olamze Thermal Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station, Electric Power Station nan nan nan 1.6 3.074 5.55 7.445 7.006 4.566 1.597 2.451 7.262 10.424 7.563 2.757
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